Library Browser

Browser options (top menu): 


There are several ways to browse ChromaSpot. Try all of them to understand library structure better. Please note that no one two-dimensional tool for 3D space is perfect. 


The goal of subsets is to limit the number of samples if sophisticated differences are not critical.  


For practical reasons, the user should limit the number of samples to the gamut common in all printing processes. This tool makes it possible to select common gamuts from the list. Registered users can use their own ICC profiles that represent the gamut of devices selected for manufacturing.

Color Specification

This section is for advanced users who understand color. We recommend learning more before changing default values.


Data collected in the library were captured by the instrument that offers three different lightings used for measurement. Sam object is illuminated with the D50 simulator where the visible amount of UV is present - called the M1 measurement condition. At the same time, all UV is cut out to see how the sample looks without UV - called the M2 measurement condition. This is the default. To learn more about why, click here. The last option is M0 - a measurement condition where a smaller amount of UV is present, and the object is illuminated with illuminant A (gas-filled tungsten lamp). To better understand this topic, please read the article here.


This light source is used to calculate colorimetric values from spectral data. Typically, in the Print Industry, we use D50, but for Interior Design or Automotive, D65 is standard. If, for any reason, specific lighting conditions are different from the standard, the user can switch to an illuminant. The list consists of Standard Illuminants (defined by CIE) and typical light sources; a custom lighting condition can be selected for registered users.


The typical Observer angle for the printing industry is 2°, while interior design and automotive use 10° Observer. Definitions are from CIE and are subject to ISO standards. In short, we see color differently based on the sample size. The observer angle for the wall is more significant than when we judge color on a printed page. A math formula compensates for those differences.



This is a place for selected samples. It allows you to create custom pallets that can be exported to one of the supported file formats, including .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange) format, which can be imported into Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign. The Scratchpad has two different views that offer bigger or smaller samples.


Sample report 

Spectral curve

This graph shows a distribution of how the sample absorbs/reflects light of different wavelengths expressed in nm.

Lab coordinates

Please note that Lab coordinates depend on all Color Specification settings.